
Read the latest News from ALSIM

News Archive

The first two brand-new ALSIM AL100i for Paragon Flight Training

30.05.2024 - News

Accademia del Volo invests again in ALSIM and acquires an ALX flight simulator

07.05.2024 - News

ACS Aviation continue to grow with acquisition of two ALSIM Flight Simulators

18.04.2024 - News

The first ALSIM Airliner simulator in Australia for Flight Training Adelaide

22.03.2024 - News

Biernat S.J chooses ALSIM by purchasing an ALX simulator

13.02.2024 - News

Collège Air Richelieu reinforces its partnership with ALSIM by acquiring two new simulators

02.02.2024 - News
Tuesday, January 16th, 2024, Le Loroux-Bottereau, France

Flyschool Air Academy expands its simulator fleet with a third ALSIM AL250

16.01.2024 - News

AAG Flight Academy selects ALSIM and buys an AL250 flight simulator

09.01.2024 - News

Sky Academy signs for an ALSIM AL250 training simulator

28.11.2023 - News

ALSIM celebrates 30th anniversary

02.11.2023 - News